Sources and seroprevalence of toxocariasis in Turkey
Toxocariasis in humans is considered a rare disease in Turkey, and the absence of specific symptoms of this disease is probably the main reason for clinicians to underestimate and underdiagnose the disease. Although there are several seroepidemiological studies on visceral larva migrans in the country, a comparison between them is difficult as the serological tests are not standardised. After the introduction of the easily accessible ELISA kit in the market, the number of seroepidemiological studies has increased in which the reported rates ranged between 1% and 56%. Similar to other countries, Toxocara seropositivity in Turkey is more common in men, childhood, in those living in rural area, having a low income level, owning dogs, and biting their nails or practicing geophagia. In addition, toxocariasis is a risk factor for veterinarians, farmers, and pet-shop workers. Toxocara seroprevalence is significantly higher in respiratory, neuropsychiatric, musculoskeletal, skin and abdominal disorders. There are also many studies showing the importance of eosinophilia in toxocariasis. In conclusion, although there are many studies on toxocariasis in Turkey, it is still not well understood to what extent the infection is responsible for a plethora ascribed symptoms. Standardisation of the diagnostic methods and the use of molecular techniques could further throw light in the real epidemiology and the role played by the infection to induce signs and symptoms.