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dc.contributor.authorKorukçu, Adem
dc.description.abstractİlahiyat Fakültelerinin en önemli işlevlerinden biri, yükseköğretim düzeyinde yaygın din eğitimi alanına personel yetiştirmektir. Bu eğitim kurumlarından mezun olan öğrenciler, belli yeterlilikleri sağlamaları halinde, kurumsal ve resmi anlamda yaygın din eğitiminin yüklenicisi olan Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı’nın farklı kadrolarında ve diğer özel çalışma alanlarında (televizyon, radyo, internet ortamı vb.) görev almaktadırlar. Değişen yaşam koşulları, toplum profili ve toplumun eğitim düzeyinin yükselmesi nedeniyle, yaygın din eğitimi alanında İlahiyat Fakültelerinin önemi giderek artmaktadır. Bu nedenle, İslam’ın temel kaynaklarına hâkim olan ve bilimsel bilgiyi temel alan mezunlar yetiştirmek bu fakültelerin en önemli hedefleri arasında olmalıdır. Böylelikle, halkın din eğitimi ihtiyacı karşılanabilecektir. Bu hedefin gerçekleşmesi, alana dair formasyon derslerinin programa konulmasıyla mümkün olacaktır.en_US
dc.description.abstractOne of the most important functions of the Theology Faculties is to educate staff at the level of higher education for the field of common religious education. Students who graduated from those institutions, if provided certain qualifications, have received task in different positions at The Presidency of Religious Affairs which coordinates the institutional and formal common religious education and other special areas (TV, radio, internet media and so on.) Because of changing life conditions, the profile of community and rising level education level of society, the significance of Theology Faculties hav gradually risen in the field of common religious education. Therefore, those faculties have an important task in educating graduates both in the basic Islamic resources and scientific knowledge. In this way, the need for religious education of the public will be supplied. The realization of this goal will be possible by placing pedagogical formation courses about the field in the education program. There are structures of human and society whose values and needs are changing according to changing World. Reading the change rightly, common religious education and religious services should be in accordance with this. The change should be done within the framework of the conditions and methods of transporting the message, not in the core of religion. Realizing an accurate, current and reliable religious service, religious education and religious advice will be possible by well-educated staff.Compulsory Arabic language program started from 2009-2010 academic year on and in the 2010-2011 academic year it has spread all of the Theology Faculties in Turkey. This development is considered a good chance for the education of more qualified graduates of Theology who will serve in the field of common religious education. But, this programme must require aims that will serve the goals of the raised area. In this context, learning Arabic in the compulsory preparatory programme should have a professional quality about the practice of common religious education. Another issue is the structure of pedagogical formation programme used for the students of Theology Faculties. That programme had been for the profession al teachership in the formal education before it was cancelled. This Programme, in particular, need to be prepared for the practice of common religious education. Neglecting this area, it will give rise to problems in practice. Because of, at least in the current practice, a very important part of the students have participated in that field. The most practical way in this regard, following the preparatory class, the students must have a common education of Theology in the first and second class; and in the third and fourth class they should be divided into branches. For the purpose of solving the problems, common religious education and increasing its efficiency, there should be cooperation between The Presidency of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Turkey and Theology Faculties.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofDeğerler Eğitimi Dergisien_US
dc.subjectEğitim, Eğitim Araştırmalarıen_US
dc.subjectEğitim, Özelen_US
dc.titleYaygın Din Eğitiminde İlahiyat Fakültelerinin Yeri ve Önemien_US
dc.title.alternativeValue and Status of Theology Faculties in the Common-Public Religious Educationen_US
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.department-tempHitit Üniversitesi, İlahiyat Fakültesi, Çorum, Türkiyeen_US
dc.contributor.institutionauthorKorukçu, Adem

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